This KB guides you through securely connecting to SynetoOS, editing the syslog-ng plugin configuration, and restarting the service for changes to take effect.
How to configure syslog-ng and SNMP on Supermicro Servers
Step 1: Access SynetoOS CLi
- Connect to SynetoOS CLI using SSH
Remove the bash profile before editing and restart the SSH session.
rm ~admin/.bash_profile
Before editing and restart the SSH session.
Remember to log out and restart the SSH session afterward and use sudo su - to get SuperUser privileges.
Step 2: Access and edit te plugin.conf file
Locate and edit the plugin.conf in /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/syneto/ file using VI/VIM.
cat /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/syneto/plugin.config
Step 3: Add a new destination in the config file
Switch to insert mode in VI/VIM (ESC + i).
Add a new destination in the config file, replacing the IP address and port number with your specific data destination remote
{ network("your_ip_address" transport("udp/tcp") port(your_port_number)); }
Step 4: Replace address and port numbers with your data
- Add your new destination above this row
log { source(s_local); filter(f_audit); destination(remote);};
eg: destination remote { network("" transport("udp") port(514));
- Apply and save using the keyboard keys
ESC + :wq
Step 5: Restart the syslog-ng service
svcadm restart svc:/system/syslog-ng:default
SNMP Configuration for Hardware Alerts on Syneto SuperMicro Servers
Step 1: Access IPMI Interface
Step 2: Navigate to SNMP Settings
- Access Configuration panel and then select SNMP
Step 3: Activate SNMP and Configure
- Enable SNMP and set up the parameters. Options include SNMPv2 with a public community for general cases, or SNMPv3 for enhanced security, especially in non-secure VLANs or internet-based monitoring.
Step 4: Testing the Configuration
- Verify the setup using
snmpwalk -v2c -c public [IPMI IP address] |more