In this article you can find the step-by-step guide for SynetoOS CLI connection through SSH
Connection can be established from any Unix shell ( bash,zsh,sh, etc) or using Putty and similar emulators
How to connect to SynetoOS CLI through SSH
Access SynetoOS CLI from Shell
Step 1: From your shell connect as admin to the SynetoOS appliance
Login as admin with SSH command
ssh admin@<your_ip_address_or_hostname>
Insert appliance password
Step 2: Exit unsupported shell
In case you are directed to a unsupported shell, to swap in to Solaris shell type use:
un sh
Enter root
sudo su -
Access SynetoOS CLI from Putty
Step 1: Open Putty
- If you have not installed Putty yet, Download Putty
Step 2: Connect to SynetoOS
Insert SynetoOS IP Address
Use Port 22
Select SSH as connection type
Hit Open to proceed
On Putty Security Alert window, add the host key by pressing Yes
Step 3: Exit unsupported shell
In case you are directed to a unsupported shell, to swap in to Solaris shell type use:
un sh
Enter root
sudo su -