In this article you can find the step-by-step  guide for SynetoOS CLI connection through SSH

Connection can be established from any Unix shell ( bash,zsh,sh, etc)  or using Putty and similar emulators

How to connect to SynetoOS CLI through SSH

Access SynetoOS CLI from Shell

Step 1: From your shell connect  as admin to the SynetoOS appliance

  • Login as admin with SSH command

    ssh admin@<your_ip_address_or_hostname>

    Insert appliance password

Step 2: Exit unsupported shell

  • In case you are directed to a unsupported shell, to swap in to Solaris shell type use:

    un sh

    Enter root

    sudo su -

Access SynetoOS CLI from Putty

Step 1: Open Putty

Step 2: Connect to SynetoOS

  • Insert SynetoOS IP Address

  • Use Port 22

  • Select SSH as connection type

  • Hit Open to proceed

  • On Putty Security Alert window, add the host key by pressing Yes

Step 3: Exit unsupported shell

  • In case you are directed to a unsupported shell, to swap in to Solaris shell type use:

    un sh

    Enter root 

    sudo su -