Currently on SynetoOS 5 appliances the feature VM migrate is no longer available.

Use the following instructions to migrate VM's from a different host

VM's downtime is required

Step 1: Access SynetoOS GUI

Step 2: Add external VMware host to SynetoOS

  • From the Host panel go to VMware servers
  •  Add the external host credentials and address
    for this example the external host address is

Step 3: Connect to SynetoOS CLi

Step 4: Install script

  • From SynetoOS CLi insert

    pip3 install
    dnf install
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
    source .bashrc

Step 5: Execute the script

  • syn-migrate-vm

Step 7: Confirm Appliance and Host credentials

  • After the above input you'll be redirected to the VM migration Manager.
  • Verify and confirm that the appliance and local hypervisor credentials are correct.
    Proceed to select Apply option with the help of your tab key

Step 8: Select VM's to migrate

  • You'll see in the list all register VM's registered on the external host and the local host
  • Select the one's you're interested to migrate using the space bar 

Step 9:  Migrate selected VM's

  • Press <p> on your keyboard to prepare the selected vm's for migration.
  • As soon the process reaches 100% go to the external host and shut down the virtual machines
  • After VM's are confirmed to be power off, continue on SynetoOS CLi  by pressing <m> on your keyboard. This will complete the migration process
  • The migrated virtual machines will result now on the list in bold font

Step 10:  Exit VM Migration Manager

  • Simply press <e> to exit