
Riello UPS when installed with the Netman 204 network adapter allow orderly shutdown and startup of virtual machines and HYPER appliances in case of a power outage. You can configure Netman 204 to connect to the ESXi hypervisor and perform various actions when the power goes out or returns. This guide will describe a best practice approach.


- Riello UPS with Netman 204 network adapter

- Application version on Netman 204 at version 03.12 or older

- HYPER appliance autostart configured

Configure ESXi Autostart Functionality

Syneto HYPER appliances have the Autostart functionalities enabled by default on the ESXi hypervisor. This is a mandatory prerequisite so that virtual machines can be powered on or off in the right order when the request is made from Netman 204. 

Configure the virtual machines that must be powered on the hypervisor in their desired order. SynetoOS and SynetoFileRecovery are always first and second in the list.

Configure ESXi User & Role for Remote Power Management

Syneto recommends to configure an ESXi user to be used especially for power management duties by the UPS. This provides a level of security that limits potential attack vectors.
Connect to your ESXi host with the Web client. 

1. Create a new Role.

Go to Host -> Security and Users -> Roles. 

Click on Add Role. Give the new role a suggestive name, for example: PowerMgmt.
Choose the following from Privileges:

Root -> Host -> Config -> Power.

Root -> VirtualMachine -> Interact -> PowerOn, PowerOff

Click Add to create the new role. 

2. Create a new user.

Go to Host -> Manage -> Security & users -> Users. Click on Add user to create a new user. Call it for example ups.

3. Assign the role PowerMgmt to the newly created user ups on the ESXi host.

Go to Host -> Actions -> Permissions. 

Click on Add user to assign the user and the role to the ESXi host.

Type the username in the field, select the appropriate role for power management. For this example, ups and PowerMgmt

Click Add user. You have now setup a user which can be used for power management on the ESXi host.

Configure Netman 204 for Host Shutdown

Connect to Riello UPS Netman 204 via the web interface. Go to Configuration -> Remote Hosts -> VMware ESXi

- Check the box for Enable VMware ESXi shutdown

- In the section Infrastructure connectors, click on the Add Row button. You will connect Netman 204 to the ESXi host.

- Enter the following:

Host or VCSAThe ip address of your ESXi host or Vcenter
UsernameThe username you created for power management (eg: ups)
PasswordThe password you have used for the user.

- In the section Actions, click on the Add Row button. You will define the action to take on the ESXi host.

- Enter the following:

Action: Shutdown hostShutdown the host
When: Power Fail or Autonomy lessWhat condition should be met for the Action to be performed: Power Fail or Autonomy less.
When (seconds):Enter the amount of time in seconds when to start shutdown. We recommend at least 15 minutes (900 seconds).




The Riello UPS with Netman 204 will shutdown all virtual machines that are included in the Autostart functionality in the inverse order: last virtual machine in the list will be shutdown first.

Configure Netman 204 for Host PowerOn

Connect to Riello UPS Netman 204 via the web interface. Go to Your Netman 204 -> Wake on LAN. 
Enable Wake on Lan

MAC Address 1Enter the MAC address of the network interface card for the ESXi hypervisor.
Delay (sec)Enter a number which indicates how long to wait before executing the command.


The Wake-on-LAN is sent at NetMan 204 boot and when the mains power is restored, with the set delay. Up to 8 MAC addresses can be entered.


Please consult the Riello Netman 204 manual for further information on the complete functionalities:
In English:
In Italian:

The Netman 204 product page: