This article will provide you the step by step instructions to add a temporary swap to your hypervisor in order to complete the upgrade process
You might get an error while deploying our customised ESXi upgrade, similar to:
[InstallationError] [Errno 28] No space left on device vibs = VMware_locker_tools-light_11.1.1.16303738-16701467 Please refer to the log file for more details.
The error is caused by Swap size, which is insufficient for temporary actions to be taken.
How to add a temporary swap on ESXi
Step 1: Login in to ESXi Web UI
Step 2: Navigate to System Swap setings
- Access Manage panel and open System tab
- Select Swap tab and hit Edit settings
Step 3: Assign local datastore
- From the Edit swap configuration window, assign the local datastore of your choice to replace None on the Datastore selectable menù
Step 4: Re-attempt the upgrade deploy
- Now that changes where applied, refresh your session and start the deploy process from the beginning
Vmware Resources: