This article will guide you on how to unmount, mount a datastore from ESXi console in case actions taken from SynetoOS GUI are not sufficient

Unmount/Mount Datastore from Esxcli

Before taking any action, please remember to shut down and unregister possible VM's associated to the datastore on interest 

Step 1: Connect to Esxi console 

  • To access Esxcli, you must connect trough ssh to the server. Remember to activate SSH service on ESXI host settings.

Step 2: List all datastores on the system

  • esxcli storage nfs list

Step 3: Unmount the datastore 

After you listed the datastores registered on the system you can confirm the name of the one your interest to unmount using:

  •  esxcli storage nfs remove -v <datastorename>

Step 4: Mount a datastore

In a scenario where the mount option is not available from GUI, you can work with the following to mount a datastore. Please reach our support team in case of errors

  • esxcli storage nfs add -H <synetoOS_IP> -s <datastore_path> -v <datastore_name>


Know error:

If the output for the unmount process results in something similar to :

  • "Sysinfo set operation VSI_MODULE_NODE_mnt_umount failed with error status Busy" 
    Please consider taking a look on the vmdk of the vm, it's mostly provable that the VM has vmdk shared with other datastores and vm's