This article is intended to guide you on how to resolve vmdk related bug on the ESXI V.7.0.3K where vmdk is not usable on new or old datastores
Step 1: Connect to VMware ESXi CLI (via SSH)
Step 2: Retrieve VM id
- Run the following command
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Example of output:
Step 3: Login to VMware ESXi GUI
Step 4: Retrieve VM path
Step 5: Connect to VMware ESXi CLI (via SSH)
Step 4: Run the following command (replace <vm-id> with the correct number at Step 2 and <vm-path> with the correct path at Step 4):
vim-cmd vmsvc/device.diskaddexisting <vmid> </vmfs/volumes/pathToDisk.vmdk> 0 1
consider this an example:
vim-cmd vmsvc/device.diskaddexisting 11 /vmfs/volumes/cc0cb3a6-f2e17fd1/Zabbix/Zabbix.vmdk 0 1
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