A snapshot/replication can be unsuccessful for different reasons. In order to make sure that everything is ok there are a few things that need to be verified when you receive the notification.

            Make sure that:

  • there is enough space on disk pool for taking snapshots:

           You can check this using the CLI command #zfs list.

  • the remote machine is accessible over the network: 

           Ping or ssh to DR unit and vice-versa, using the command #ping backup, if there is no connection it is necessary to check the network connectivity.

  • that replication folder does not contain snapshots for other folders/vdisks: 

          Make sure there are no other snapshot and replication schedules (of different folders) configured to replicate in the same folder.

  • there is enough available space in the destination folder:        

           1.Log into the Syneto OS interface

           2. Click on Data management

           3. Click on Folders/Virtual Disks

           4. Click on the destination folder

           5. Check the Info tab and see the available space

  • check that remote machine has the correct replication key:      

            1. Log into the Syneto OS interface

            2. Click on System

            3. Click on Replication key

        4. Copy the replication key

        5. Go to the target machine, do the steps 1,2 and 3.

        6. Click the Add button

        7. Add the title and paste the key from the source machine to the destination machine

        8.After the data is fulfilled click the ADD button

We send this information with every notification email you receive (if you have the notifications enabled) in order to make sure that all the conditions are met. 

The scheduler tries to complete the process each time it is triggered, and if all the conditions described above are met, it will be successful.

For example, if at some point during the replication, there was a temporary network issue and caused the replication to fail, at the next try it will be successful if the issue is no longer present.

An unsuccessful replication is not a reason to be worried, considering all the information presented above. However, if the schedule is unsuccessful every time, it is necessary to investigate the issue.

Sometimes, although the snapshot is taken, you receive a notification informing you that the virtual machine snapshot is not consistent, similar to the one below:

If you receive this notification message it means that the snapshot schedule was created using the 'Application consistent' option, but the requirements for this type of snapshot are not met.

The most common cause of this situation is that the virtual machine does not have VMware Tools installed. Please make sure the virtual machine for which you receive this notification has the VMware Tools installed and running. You may need to reinstall VMware tool or update to the latest version. You can find details here: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2004754