When configuring a Syneto HYPER appliance you are also required to configure the ESXi hypervisor running on the appliance. There are two scenarios:

Active DHCP in the network

If DHCP is active in the network, the appliance automatically receives the required three IP addresses from the DHCP server. When you connect to the appliance with keyboard and mouse you will see the login screen of the ESXi DCUI interface.

The assigned IP addresses are displayed on the login screen.

Open the web browser and connect to the IP address for ESXi. Configure the ESXi to suit your requirements. 

Follow the video below for a demo on how to configure through the web client:

  • Static IP addressing
  • ESXi host name
  • Default gateway
  • DNS addresses
  • Search domain

No DHCP in the network

If DHCP is not available in the network, you must manually configure the IP address for the ESXi hypervisor using IPMI or keyboard and monitor. To configure IPMI, follow the instructions from the article

Configure IPMI / out-of-band Management

Once you have connected to the appliance and the screen shows the ESXi console (also called DCUI) you can proceed to configure IP addressing for ESXi.

Follow the video below for a demo on how to configure through the console:

  • Static IP addressing
  • ESXi host name
  • Default gateway
  • DNS addresses

Next Step(s)

Connect to the SynetoOS VM Console

Connect to the SynetoOS web interface and run Quick Setup (if you have DHCP active in your network)