To deploy a virtual machine from an OVA or OVF file to a HYPER appliance running SynetoOS 5.1 please follow these steps:

  • Create an empty datastore in ESXi from SynetoOS 5 on which to deploy the VM
  • Deploy the virtual machine from an OVA or OVF file to the newly created datastore
  • (Optional) Rename the datastore in ESXi to reflect the name of the deployed VM

Create an Empty Datastore

To create an empty datastore in SynetoOS 5.1, please create a new virtual machine then remove the virtual machine from the datastore. 

Step by Step Instructions

1. Browse the Virtual machines page.

2. Create a new virtual machine. Call it Temp, for example. Leave all fields to their default value and click Create on the Summary page. The virtual machine is created in ESXi.

3. Remove the virtual machine from ESXi. It will also disappear from the SynetoOS 5 virtual machines list.

The datastore remains empty.

4. Deploy a virtual machine from an OVA or OVF file to the datastore - in ESXi

5. Optional: Rename the datastore according to your needs - in ESXi

6. Manage the virtual machine from SynetoOS

Next Steps

Protect a Virtual Machine