In SynetoOS 5, replication targets are the HYPER appliances or the Cloud Gate service to which you want data copied.
Add a replication target
To configure a replication target:
1. Browse the SLA policies page
2. Click the Replication targets link, on the top menu.
The connection details for replication to other HYPER appliances are kept in the Replication targets list.
3. Click on the add target link
4. Fill in the form with the connection details for the HYPER appliance to which you want to connect:
- Name: Give the connection a name
- Host: Enter the IP address or the FQDN of the replication target
- Password: Enter the admin password
- Options:
- Limit replication speed: Limit the speed of each individual replication task to the value set
- Encrypt transfer: Select this checkbox to encrypt the transfer. This is required if the replication target is behind a NAT firewall.
5. Click Add to finish. The list will be updated with the replication target.
Remove a Replication Target
1. Browse the SLA policies page
2. Click the Replication targets in the action bar. A dialog will open listing the available replication targets.
3. Click on Context Menu for the replication target you want to remove.
4. Select Delete
Edit a Replication Target
1. Browse the SLA policies page
2. Click the Replication targets in the action bar. A dialog will open listing the available replication targets.
3. Click on Context Menu for the replication target you want to remove.
4. Select Edit
5. Perform the changes you need in the Edit window
6. Click Save